If breathing easy isn’t exactly—well, easy—for you, it could be due to airway obstruction.   Are you asking yourself, what are the reasons why I can’t breathe well or through my nose?   Nasal obstruction, chronic sinusitis, and chronic rhinitis are a few of the most common culprits.   These conditions are often interrelated, occurring in...

The Eustachian tube balloon dilation procedure offers a new treatment option for chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction—and relief from miserable ear pressure and fullness symptoms. You may be familiar with the innovative and widely established treatment for chronic sinusitis known as ballon sinuplasty, also referred to a balloon sinus dilation. It’s an...

At some point, you’ve probably blown your nose and had something unexpected come out—especially if you suffer from chronic sinusitis or allergy symptoms. You also probably already know that your snot color can change depending on your health, such as when you have a bad cold or a sinus infection.  When...